Tuesday, December 18, 2012

End time

Hello brethren, greetings from this end! first of all, i will like  to thank you guys for making a stop on this blog, and may the Lord richly bless you as you read! well ....... brethren, i will start by asking this small and technical question "have you discovered your purpose of living?" or why God sent you to this world? or have you accomplish your mission on earth? if yes, what next? if no, then what are you waiting for? or are you on the process? a great man of God said something profound that "a man without a purpose of living,is not fit to live!" Brethren have you looked at the wold and seen where its going? you cant see except spiritually discerned. according to 1 Corinthians 2:14. Everybody is going his or her own way, matching to their own direction! have you heart about the chip implant? www.pakalertpress.com/.../all-americans-will-receive-a-... this is the scriptures being fulfilled Revelation 13:15-18. Brethren, you have seen for your self strange things happening everyday and night what do you think? END TIME! this clearly shows the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ! check www.spiritlessons.com. Brethren are you tired of living? or are you looking for the way? Here is the only way John 14:6. No matter what you have been going through, don't worry he can still accept you today. Hear ye the voice of the Lord saying...... come on to me all you who have labored, and i will give you rest!